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Transitioning from Summer to Fall – HVAC Maintenance Tips For Phoenix AZ Residents

As temperatures in Phoenix begin to drop from summer to fall, it’s important to be prepared with the necessary HVAC maintenance tasks to ensure your system runs optimally and efficiently. Common HVAC challenges faced between summer and fall can often be avoided by proper seasonal maintenance. Because of that, we feel that knowing the top HVAC maintenance tasks for the fall transition and the benefits of seasonal HVAC maintenance in Phoenix, can help keep your home comfortable and your energy bill down.

Top HVAC Maintenance Tasks for the Fall Transition

Preparing your HVAC system for the fall transition is essential to ensure that your home is comfortable and energy efficient. At Semper Fi Heating & Cooling, we recommend taking a few basic preventative maintenance steps to ensure the longevity and performance of your system throughout the transition.

  • Check and Clean Air Filter Start your fall transition by inspecting and cleaning the system’s air filter. A clogged filter blocks airflow, diminishing your heating system’s performance. Replace the air filter monthly, and more frequently if you have pets, to maintain optimal operation.
  • Verify Thermostat Accuracy It’s crucial to ensure your thermostat is accurate each fall. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling strongly advises using a programmable thermostat for energy conservation and consistent temperature maintenance. Adjust settings to align with outside temperatures to minimize energy usage.
  • Activate the Fan Switch Don’t forget to turn on the fan switch every fall. Setting the fan to auto lets it operate only when the heat is running, aiding in energy conservation throughout the season.
  • Clean the Outdoor Condensing Unit Another vital step is cleaning the outdoor condensing unit. Over time, debris or dirt can accumulate, reducing the unit’s efficiency. Ensure all leaves, dirt, and obstructions are removed from the unit’s sides and top.
  • Schedule a Professional Inspection for Older Systems If your system is a decade old or more, it’s wise to schedule an inspection with a professional. They can assess the system’s general condition and advise on any potential issues, ensuring smooth operation.

Common HVAC Challenges Faced Between Summer and Fall

One of the most common HVAC challenges faced between summer and fall is maintaining the correct indoor temperature. As temperatures transition between summer and fall, the indoor environment needs to be able to stay cool enough for comfort yet the HVAC system should not be operating unnecessarily – thus saving the homeowner money on their electricity bills. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling has the experience and knowledge to ensure that this delicate balance is maintained in all areas of the home. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling can also provide the homeowner with simple tips on avoiding any extra heating or cooling costs and ensure that mobile devices like thermostats are providing accurate settings.

During fall, allergens are also becoming more present outdoors and likely to enter the home more often. Ensuring the good air quality indoors is paramount for the health of the family and in this Semper Fi Heating & Cooling excels. We provide air purification tools that can be installed on the existing HVAC system, minimizing the risk of the airborne illnesses that can accompany the arriving colder weather. During the transition from summer to fall, Semper Fi Heating & Cooling can make sure that the equipment is properly serviced and ready to handle any temperature extremes that may be heading its way. With the help of an experienced technician, any unexpected breakdowns can be avoided and the homeowner can have peace of mind that the system will keep running whenever needed.

As temperatures dip, more and more layers of clothing are taken out of storage and the indoor atmosphere can become dry. Using a humidifier in combination with heating services, Semper Fi Heating & Cooling helps insure that the home environment will remain thermal and balanced during the colder winter months, providing comfort for the entire family.

By investing in Semper Fi Heating & Cooling services, homeowners can have their peace of mind that their HVAC system will not only be prepared for the fall transition, but will continue functioning optimally year-round.

Benefits of Seasonal HVAC Maintenance in Phoenix

Semper Fi Heating & Cooling understands that keeping up with seasonal HVAC maintenance is essential for prolonging the life of your Phoenix home’s heating and cooling systems. In Phoenix, seasonal HVAC maintenance not only extends the life of your equipment but can also help you save money on expensive repairs. Additionally, maintenance keeps your system running at peak efficiency, resulting in improved air quality.

Regular maintenance helps keep your furnace and air conditioner running optimally during temperature extremes. It also entails inspecting and cleaning the HVAC equipment to ensure that dirt and debris aren’t blocking the flow of air and that the system is running as efficiently as possible. Clean air ducts and filters help your HVAC system adequately filter out unwanted contaminants like pet dander, dust mites, pollen, and mold, providing you and your family with a cleaner indoor air environment.

Semper Fi Heating & Cooling offers comprehensive maintenance plans tailored to the specific needs of each homeowner. Their certified technicians are trained to provide a thorough and cost-effective service whenever maintenance is required. Furthermore, they provide a free inspection of contractors and labor for up to two additional years after the initial maintenance is completed.

Regular maintenance of your Phoenix home’s HVAC system can prevent unpleasant surprises when the weather changes. Furthermore, it guarantees that your system is running at peak performance, saving you money on energy costs in the long run. As a result, peace of mind is the primary benefit of trusting Semper Fi with maintenance of your home’s main line of defense against hot and cold temperatures.


To conclude, it is important to provide seasonal HVAC maintenance to ensure that the system is running well in the transition between summer and fall and to take advantage of the various benefits that come with this type of maintenance. Preparing for the transition by conducting tasks such as checking the thermostat, checking the air filter, and cleaning the outdoor unit are important, as are addressing any common challenges faced between summer and fall, such as removing debris from the condenser and ensuring proper unit levels and drainage. To ensure the best results, it is highly advised to hire a professional HVAC technician to help maintain the system. With the right maintenance and care, HVAC systems can be kept in optimal condition throughout the changing seasons, providing comfort and energy efficiency all year round.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is transitioning from summer to fall crucial for Phoenix HVAC systems?

Transitioning from summer to fall is crucial for Phoenix HVAC systems because of the drastic temperature changes that take place in the area. During the summer, temperatures can reach triple digits, while the autumn months often bring cooler weather. It’s essential for Phoenix HVAC systems to make the transition from cooling during the summer to heating during the fall months in order to maintain comfortable temperatures indoors. Proper maintenance of the system is also critical in order to ensure that the unit works properly and efficiently when temperatures start to drop in the fall.

How often should I service my HVAC system in Phoenix?

HVAC systems in Phoenix should be serviced once a year, preferably during fall. The ideal time to service an HVAC system in Phoenix is just before the summer season starts. This is so the system can be checked for any potential issues before the extreme weather hits.

What are the signs that my HVAC system may need maintenance?

1. Abnormal noises from the system
2. Increased energy bills
3. Unpleasant odors
4. Decrease in air flow
5. Uneven heating or cooling
6. Cycling on and off frequently
7. Excess moisture or water pooling near the unit.

Is it cost-effective to maintain my HVAC system seasonally?

Yes, it is cost-effective to maintain your HVAC system seasonally. Regular maintenance and tune-ups help ensure the optimal performance of the system, which can reduce energy costs and extend the life of the system. A qualified technician can detect minor issues before they become major problems and recommend necessary repairs that save energy and money. Regular maintenance also keeps your system running safely, ensuring the safety of your family and home.

Do AC vents need to be cleaned?

TLDR: Clean AC vents are crucial for efficient air conditioning, improved indoor air quality, and lower energy costs. Signs of dirty vents include dust buildup, unpleasant odors, noisy operation, reduced airflow, and higher energy bills. Cleaning vents regularly reduces exposure to contaminants, extends system lifespan, and improves air flow. It also reduces allergy and asthma symptoms. Use appropriate cleaning techniques depending on vent type, wear protective gear, and maintain a healthy home environment. Regular vent cleaning is a simple yet effective way to ensure a comfortable and healthy indoor space.


Having clean AC vents is vital to ensuring the efficiency of a home’s air conditioning system, as well as promoting better air quality for improved health. Knowing the common signs of dirty AC vents, understanding the health benefits of cleaning them regularly, and implementing easy cleaning tips and techniques can help to ensure that the AC vents in your home stay clean.

The Importance of Clean AC Vents

Maintaining clean air conditioning vents plays an important role in improving the overall air quality and performance of your AC system. Over time, dust, debris, pet hair, and other allergens build up in ducts, vents, and registers of air conditioners. When vents become blocked, the airflow is diminished, causing the AC system to overwork and lose efficiency. With the vent blocked, air that is produced can be stale, humid, and contain harmful bacteria and dust particles that can aggravate asthma or allergies.

The negative effect of blocked air conditioning vents on the performance of the AC system can extend beyond indoor air quality. When the air conditioning system is performing at a reduced level, it can result in higher energy costs and the need for frequent repairs. Cleaning your air conditioning vents will help reduce energy use and prevent costly repairs, allowing your AC system to run at its full capacity.

To properly clean the air conditioning vents, it is recommended that they be thoroughly cleaned and serviced at least twice per year. If the air vents are covered in dust and debris, it’s important to use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to carefully clean out the dust and debris. Additionally, for more difficult jobs, it is advisable to call a certified air conditioning system technician to inspect and thoroughly clean the vents.

It is also important to take preventative measures to reduce dust and debris accumulation and maintain clean AC vents. Regularly cleaning floors, carpets, and furniture items can reduce the amount of dust and debris that accumulates in your air conditioning vents. Changing your air filters for each season is also recommended, as this can reduce dust and debris from entering your air conditioning system.

Overall, the importance of clean AC vents should not be overlooked. Cleaning the vents regularly and taking preventive measures can not only improve indoor air quality but also reduce energy costs and the need for repairs. By employing these tactics, your AC system should run at its optimal performance in order to provide efficient cooling and air conditioning over the long-term.

Common Signs of Dirty AC Vents

When it comes to dirty air conditioning vents, it is important to know what to look for. Common signs of dirty AC vents include dust or other debris accumulation, an unpleasant smell, loudness (caused by the fan or blower motor), reduced airflow, and increased energy bills.

Dust and debris accumulation are some of the most common indicators of AC vents that have become dirty. When dust and debris accumulate on the vents, they will usually be visible, so this is a type of sign that will be easy to spot. In fact, your AC vents probably would not need to be this dirty very often, so if you notice an accumulation of dust, it is likely time to get them cleaned.

Another indicator of dirty AC vents is an unpleasant odor. This odor is often caused by the dust and debris that have built up over time. When the dust accumulates, it is likely that the air blowing through the vents will pick up the odors and disperse them, making the space seem stale and musty.

When it comes to dirty AC vents, another sign is loud fan or blower motor noises. Vents rely on pressure in order to operate correctly, and dirt and debris can cause issues by blocking pressure. Blocked pressure causes the fan or blower motor to work overtime in order to overcome the blockage, and this can lead to a loud and unpleasant noise.

Also, if you have noticed that your AC vents are not blowing as much air, or if your energy bills have been higher as of late, then these are likely also signs of dirty vents. When vents are blocked, airflow is reduced and the motor has to work harder in order to push the same amount of air. This leads to higher energy bills, and if you have noticed your bills have gone up recently, then you should check your vents.

All in all, if you suspect that your AC vents may be dirty, then you should keep an eye out for all of the signs and symptoms described here. A professional cleaning may be necessary in order to clear out any dirt or debris and restore your AC vents to their optimal performance.

Health Benefits of Clean AC Vents

Clean air conditioning vents are important for ensuring that the air in our homes or other indoor spaces is crisp and pure. Regularly cleaning AC vents is one of the most effective ways to ensure that the air indoors remains healthy and free from contaminants or other irritants. Keeping AC vents clean can improve the air quality in a home or business and also improve overall comfort and health of those that occupy the space. Among the many health benefits of clean AC vents, the following is a list of the top benefits:

  • Reduced Exposure to Contaminants: Excessive dust, debris, fumes, and germs can accumulate in vents over time, leading to poor air quality unless cleaned. Regularly cleaning AC vents helps to reduce the exposure to these potentially harmful contaminants, thus creating a healthier living or work environment.
  •  Improved Longevity of the System: Without regular maintenance, an AC system can quickly become a breeding ground for pollutants and other objects that can reduce performance and cause it to fail prematurely. Cleaning the vents regularly helps to reduce stress on the system ensuring proper functioning for its entire useful lifespan.
  • Improved Air Flow: Another key benefit of regularly cleaning AC vents is an improved air flow. If the AC vents are clogged with dust and debris, the airflow of the system will be significantly reduced. This can strain the fan and AC components, leading to expensive repair bills as well as uncomfortable air circulation if not properly maintained.
  • Reduced Allergy and Asthma Symptoms: Regularly cleaning AC vents helps to reduce the amount of allergens and irritants present in the air. People with allergies and asthma may suffer from stuffiness and other symptoms due to poor indoor air quality, which can be drastically improved with regular cleaning of the AC vents.

Finally, clean AC vents can help reduce energy costs as a clean system is not required to work as hard to maintain the same temperature. This means a reduced energy bill and better air quality at the same time. Clean AC vents should be a regular practice as the benefits to both health and cost savings are clear.

AC Vent Cleaning Tips and Techniques

AC vent cleaning is a beneficial and necessary task. Not only does it keep your vents looking nice and your home free of dust, it also helps to keep your air pollution levels low and your heating and cooling system free of debris. There are several different techniques for cleaning AC vents, though the best approach will depend largely on the type of material and age of the vent.

For older, metal vents, it is usually best to vacuum with a specialized attachment prior to cleaning. Use a gentle spray of all-purpose disinfectant to scrub down the vent. Wipe away excess liquid with clean rags or cloths. If the vents are particularly dirty, a stronger cleaner may be necessary.

If your vents are older and wood or plastic, a gentle scrub with a dry cloth may be necessary. If the wood is varnished, the cloth should be dampened with a specialized wood cleaner to prevent any discoloration or fading. To clean plastic vents, use a gentle spray bottle of,”all-purpose,” disinfectant and scrub lightly. Then wipe away any excess liquid.

For newer vents made of composite materials like styrofoam or fabric, a vacuum cleaner is usually the best approach. Vacuum the area thoroughly and then use a non-abrasive cleaner and damp cloth to remove any stubborn residue. Make sure to wipe away any remaining cleaner with a dry cloth.

It is important to note that whatever the type of vent you are cleaning, you must wear the necessary safety protection such as gloves and a mask. You never know what lingering dust or particles may be present and these items will help protect your respiratory system. Keeping your AC vents clean will ensure that your home environment remains healthy and happy.

Key Takeaways

It is obvious the importance of clean AC vents and the health benefits associated with them. Additionally, understanding the common signs of dirty AC vents and employing the appropriate cleaning tips and techniques can help to ensure that your AC vents continue functioning effectively. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant and inspect your AC system on a regular basis and perform proper maintenance to ensure a clean air circulation system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do AC vents need to be cleaned?

AC vents should be cleaned to ensure good air quality and remove dust, dirt, and other buildup that might be obstructing the air flow. Cleaning also helps to reduce allergens, improve air circulation, and reduce energy costs. Regular cleaning can help keep your system running efficiently and effectively.

How often should I clean my AC vents?

It is recommended that you clean your AC vents at least twice a year. Additionally, if you notice a buildup of dust or debris, you may want to consider cleaning them more often. If you have pets or other allergens that may be present in the home, it may also be in your best interests to check your vents even more regularly.

Can dirty AC vents affect my health?

Yes, dirty AC vents can affect your health. They can cause allergies, asthma attacks, and other respiratory problems. Additionally, dirty vents can lead to mold growth, spread dust and allergens around, and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system. For these reasons, it is important to keep your air conditioning system clean and well-maintained.

What are the common signs of dirty AC vents?

Common signs of dirty AC vents include:
-A musty smell coming from the vents
-Excessive dust, dirt and debris coming from the vents
-Higher than normal energy bills
-Loud noises coming from the vents
-Visible rust on or near the vents
-Reduced air flow from the vents
-Hot and cold spots throughout the room
-Frozen coils
-Dusty and inefficient operation.

Does a new furnace need to be inspected?

TLDR: Inspecting your new furnace is crucial for safety, efficiency, and cost savings. Annual inspections can catch issues early, maintain energy efficiency, and prevent safety hazards like carbon monoxide leaks. Newer furnaces offer high efficiency but require regular maintenance. Safety is paramount when inspecting, focusing on components, gas leaks, wiring, filters, and overall maintenance. Regular inspections save money, extend furnace life, and ensure your family’s safety. Expect a thorough inspection, efficiency assessment, and expert guidance on operation. Regular inspections help detect and fix problems early, ensuring safe and efficient furnace operation.


It is important to inspect your new furnace to ensure it is functioning safely and efficiently, and regular inspections can help to identify potential problems before they escalate and lead to further issues. A new furnace inspection involves a thorough check of all components before it is put into service, and there are a host of benefits that come with regularly inspecting your furnace, such as increased energy efficiency and cost savings. In this article, we will explore the importance of new furnace inspections, why you should inspect your new furnace, what to expect during a new furnace inspection, and the benefits of regular furnace inspections.

The Importance of New Furnace Inspections

Regular inspections and maintenance of furnaces is key to preventing expensive repairs or replacements of the system. Furnaces, which are responsible for heating our homes in the winter months, should be inspected annually to ensure the system is running properly and safely. During this inspection, a certified technician will check all components of the system, from the pilot light to ventilation and insulation. They also check filters and combustion chamber, burner assembly, and blower motor.

Not only do annual furnace inspections allow a technician to catch any potential issues, but they also help to keep your energy bills low. Properly maintained systems are more energy efficient because they are running at peak performance. Furnace problems related to dirty filters or worn out parts can significantly increase energy costs, causing a strain on the pocketbook. Proper maintenance and inspections can help keep these bills stable.

In addition to this, inspections can determine if the furnace is running properly and safely. There are several safety hazards that can occur with faulty furnace systems, such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas that causes symptoms such as nausea and headaches, which can be fatal. It is important that furnace systems are inspected for cracks and other issues that can lead to carbon monoxide being released into your living space.

Newer models of furnaces come with a high-efficiency rating, making them a great investment for your home. In addition, newer systems may include additional safety features such as thermostat sensors, blower motors, and air purification systems. In order to maintain peak performance and efficiency for these systems, regular inspections by professionals are essential.

By having your furnace inspected annually, you can not only save money on repairs or replacements, but you can also ensure that your family is safe from potential safety hazards and your energy bills remain low. Regular inspections give you peace of mind that your furnace is running safely and efficiently.

Safety First: Why You Should Inspect Your New Furnace

It is important to inspect your new furnace before use to ensure safety. This is especially true for new furnaces, as these are not yet tested or worn in. By inspecting your new furnace before using it, you can identify potential issues that may arise, preventing any potential major problems. A thorough inspection performed by an HVAC technician can help prevent costly repairs and identify any potential safety concerns.

When inspecting your new furnace, you’ll want to focus on its main components, including the condenser fan, the control board, and the blower motor. These components are essential to the function of your furnace and must be maintained properly for safety. Additionally, inspecting the wiring and electrical connections is also important. If any of these components are defectively wired, broken, or improperly maintained, it could lead to a potentially serious issue.

Some other common issues that should be considered when inspecting your furnace are gas and carbon monoxide leaks. Since most furnaces run on natural gas, if there is a gas leak, your furnace could produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Checking for potential leaks before using your furnace is a crucial part of ensuring safety. Additionally, inspecting all of the hoses and valves is important, as a loose or worn down connection is a fire hazard.

Another important aspect of furnace safety is regularly changing the filters. The air filters in your furnace function as the last line of defense, trapping bacteria, dust, and other allergens before they can enter your home. These filters need to be changed frequently to keep your furnace running efficiently and reduce the risk of contamination.

Finally, performing annual maintenance inspections will ensure that your furnace is always functioning properly and safely. An HVAC technician will check all of the major components of your furnace, while also tuning its settings for optimal performance. This way, your furnace will always run safely and efficiently.

Taking the time to inspect your new furnace and ensure it runs safely is essential to preserve its life and keep your home safe. Regular inspections, maintenance, and filter changes are all necessary steps to protect your furnace and guarantee that it runs properly. By following these safety recommendations, you can have peace of mind while you enjoy the warmth of your new furnace.

What to Expect During a New Furnace Inspection

A new furnace inspection should include an in-depth assessment of the condition of your current heating system. An inspection should always include a thorough cleaning and adjustment of the existing equipment. The inspection should also include a check of the electrical connections, the filters, the blower motor, and the ducting system. The inspection should include a detailed inspection of all components of your existing heating system and the inspection should specifically include a check of the air flow throughout the house. You should also expect the inspector to inspect the heat exchanger and burner for any signs of corrosion or rust. After the inspection, the technician should provide a written report that explains any issues they found and details any necessary repairs.

Additionally, a new furnace inspection should include an assessment of the efficiency of your current furnace. The technician will check the air flow through the ducts, the amount of exhaust gas in the vents, the temperature throughout the house, and the static pressure in the furnace. The technician should also measure the efficiency of the system by comparing the incoming and outgoing temperatures of air. Based on the results of this efficiency assessment, the technician may suggest additional insulation, duct sealing, or other changes to increase the efficiency of the furnace.

The inspector should additionally provide you with written instructions on the safe operation of the furnace and how to properly change filters, adjust the thermostat, and control air flow. After the initial inspection, the technician should recommend regular maintenance and servicing to help ensure that the furnace operates safely and efficiently.

At the conclusion of the inspection, you should discuss the results with the inspector and ask any questions related to maintenance, repairs, or upgrades to ensure that your furnace will optimize your comfort and safety.

The Benefits of Regular Furnace Inspections

Furnace inspections are important, both for proper maintenance of the furnace and for peace of mind. Regular inspections can help you identify problems more quickly and prevent wear and tear, saving you time and money in the long run. Additionally, they can help ensure your furnace runs safely and efficiently, prolonging its life and helping you save on your energy bills.

When you inspect the furnace, you can take steps to ensure it is functioning properly, such as checking the air filter for dirt and debris that can clog the system, checking for gas or oil leaks which can be both dangerous and damaging to your home, and testing the venting system for cracks or defects. You should also check the thermostat to make sure it is set correctly and that there is no loose wiring or attachments that could prove a hazard. A professional furnace technician can also tweak the combustion system to get the best performance out of your furnace.

Regular inspections can also help you detect incipient problems before they become bigger issues. Identifying a small fault early on could potentially save you thousands of dollars in repairs or replacing the furnace. It can also help prevent toxic carbon monoxide leaks which can be fatal in extreme cases.

In summary, regular furnace inspections are important to identify, avoid, and repair any problems before they become serious issues. Inspections can help ensure your furnace is running safely and efficiently, prolonging its life and helping you save on energy and other home repair costs.

Final Thoughts

New Furnace Inspections are of utmost importance when it comes to heating systems and home safety, as it is recommended to always have an inspection performed for a new furnace before turning it on. A New Furnace Inspection by a professional HVAC technician not only helps identify and prevent any potential safety hazards, but it also helps to provide homeowners with more efficiency, comfort, and peace of mind. Additionally, ongoing regular Furnace Inspections can help keep HVAC systems running in optimal condition and prevent any major or expensive repairs that may be needed down the line due to neglect. Thus, it is essential to have a New Furnace Inspection and regular maintenance performed to ensure your HVAC system is safe and functioning properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I bother inspecting a new furnace?

Inspecting a new furnace is important for a variety of reasons. It is a way to ensure that the furnace is properly installed and functioning correctly so that it will run efficiently for years to come. Inspections can catch potential problems that could lead to much bigger issues down the road and can detect whether the furnace needs any repairs before use. Additionally, an inspection will help to make sure the furnace complies with all safety and building codes so you can be sure it is up to regulation. Thus, inspecting a new furnace is an important step to ensure your safety and proper functioning of the system.

Is it necessary to have a professional inspect a new furnace or can I do it myself?

It is generally recommended to have a professional inspect the new furnace before use. Professional heating and cooling technicians have the expertise and equipment to properly check and assess a furnace and have experience dealing with potential problems. Additionally, they can provide advice to ensure the system is in good working order before use.

How often should I inspect my new furnace?

It’s recommended to have your new furnace inspected by a qualified HVAC technician once a year. Some manufacturers may recommend more frequent inspections, so be sure to check with your manufacturer.

What are the signs that indicate my new furnace needs an inspection?

1. Unusual or excessive noise coming from the furnace
2. Unexplained increase in energy bills
3. Lack of heat or uneven heating throughout your home
4. Unusual smells coming from the furnace
5. Pilot light frequently going out
6. Problems with the thermostat

Semper Fi Heating and Cooling Honors Veterans with Memorial Day Giveaway

Peoria, AZ – May 24, 2023 – Semper Fi Heating and Cooling, a leading HVAC company dedicated to serving the community, is proud to announce a special Memorial Day giveaway. As a gesture of gratitude and support for our veterans, Semper Fi Heating and Cooling will be providing a free HVAC unit to a deserving veteran residing in Peoria, AZ.

This year’s recipient, a Peoria resident who wishes to remain anonymous, has a remarkable story of resilience and courage. Despite battling multiple medical conditions, this veteran exemplifies unwavering determination and a sharp mind. Having received a quote for the repair of his central AC unit, he was disheartened by the exorbitant cost, exceeding his limited means.

To cope with the scorching Arizona heat, the veteran resorted to using a window A/C unit, which only provides partial relief in one room. Consequently, he spends his days enduring the discomfort, wearing minimal clothing in an attempt to stay cool. Living on a meager fixed income and receiving limited food stamp assistance, he faces numerous financial challenges.

Compounding his difficulties, the veteran was forced to sell his car to cover a substantial increase in his monthly space rent for his mobile home. Consequently, he now finds himself confined to his overheated residence, lacking transportation and the support of local friends and family.

The veteran’s journey is marked by resilience and an indomitable spirit. Having grown up in the South during a time of segregation, he carries the weight of painful memories and experiences. Despite these hardships, he remains determined to improve his circumstances and has sought assistance with obtaining his birth certificate, an essential step towards accessing additional government support for his rent.

Semper Fi Heating and Cooling is deeply moved by this veteran’s story and is committed to making a positive impact in his life. Understanding the importance of a comfortable living environment, especially during the scorching Arizona summers, Semper Fi Heating and Cooling will install a brand-new HVAC unit in the veteran’s mobile home at no cost.

“Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember the sacrifices made by our veterans, and Semper Fi Heating and Cooling is proud to show our appreciation by giving back to those who have served our country,” said Jesse Keenan, CEO of Semper Fi Heating and Cooling. “We hope that this gesture will provide comfort and relief to the veteran, making his daily life more manageable and enjoyable.”

Semper Fi Heating and Cooling has a long-standing commitment to community service and supporting those in need. Through this Memorial Day giveaway, the company aims to demonstrate its unwavering dedication to veterans, recognizing their contributions and the challenges they may face.

For further information about Semper Fi Heating and Cooling and their initiatives, please visit or contact our press representative at

About Semper Fi Heating and Cooling:

Semper Fi Heating and Cooling is a leading HVAC company based in Peoria, AZ. With a mission to provide exceptional heating and cooling solutions, Semper Fi Heating and Cooling offers a wide range of services, including installations, repairs, and maintenance. The company is dedicated to serving the community and supporting various charitable initiatives.

Media Contact:
Hector Waldo
Semper Fi Heating and Cooling
Phone: 480-616-3636

Heating & Cooling Terms You Should Know – Part 1

At some point in a conversation between a homeowner and an HVAC service technician, a word or acronym may come up that is unfamiliar to the homeowner or is being used in an HVAC-only context. The following is a glossary of phrases, words and acronyms that may be helpful to know.

  1. Air Handler is the part of a ventilation system that draws in cool or warm air for a furnace or air conditioner to turn it into warm or cool air, respectively, and then blows it into ducts that deliver it throughout a home.
  2. BTU/BTUh is short for British Thermal Unit. One unit is the amount of heating needed to raise one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. The higher the BTUs, the greater the heating capacity of a furnace. BTUh refers to British Thermal Units per hour.
  3. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a byproduct of burning gas that can cause serious health problems. You won’t see, smell or taste it because it is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Not much CO is produced by a gas furnace, but if the air vents are not clear, you may have CO poisoning problems. Don’t rely on carbon monoxide detectors in your home; have your furnace checked by qualified technicians regularly.
  4. CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) is the measurement of how much heated or cooled air is circulating when a furnace or air conditioner is operating. A qualified HVAC technician can calculate the optimal CFM based on the size and construction of your home. An optimally sized system will keep your home comfortable and energy efficient.
  5. Condenser is the outside part of an air conditioner. The outside condenser cabinet contains the compressor coil that serves to discharge heat outside and move cool refrigerant indoors.
  6. Compressor is part of the condenser unit of a heat pump or air conditioner. The compressor circulates refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units, absorbing heat indoors, discharging it outdoors, and moving cool refrigerant back indoors.
  7. Ductwork is a system of metal ducts or synthetic tubes that, depending on the season, move warm or cool throughout your home. To keep a furnace and air conditioner operating properly and efficiently, it is important to keep ducts clean and not obstructed.
  8. Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)/Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio (SEER) are ratios that measure the cooling energy provided relative to the electrical energy used. EER provides for the highest temperature of the year while SEER calculates relative to the seasonal average. The higher the EER/SEER, the more efficient the system.
  9. Energy Star is a program from the Environmental Protection Agency to help homeowners pick the most energy-efficient HVAC systems and other major home electrical appliances. An Energy Star system indicates that the system meets or exceeds federal guidelines for energy efficiency. Energy Star-rated HVAC systems can be 40% to 50% more efficient than older non-Energy Star systems.
  10. Heat Pumps are a highly efficient alternative to conventional central heating and air conditioning systems. They work by moving heat. In summer, they remove heat from inside and discharge it outside. In winter, they draw heat from outside and circulate it inside. Contrary to common logic, there is plenty of heat outside on even the coldest days.

Ventilation: All About the V in HVAC

You’ve seen the acronym HVAC, pronounced H-Vac, and you know it somehow relates to the heating and cooling system in your home. The H is for Heating and the AC is for Air Conditioning. Right in the middle is V for Ventilation. Your central ventilation system consists of ductwork that runs to the far corners of your home and the blower fans and motors that circulate warm or cool air.

Your heater and your air conditioner take a rest for part of the year, but your ventilation systems seldom gets a day off. Ventilation is the unsung and underappreciated hero of your HVAC system. Furnaces heat, air conditioners cool, and ventilation systems collect and deliver warm or cool air to keep your home comfortable year-round.

Your ventilation system doesn’t need much attention, but occasionally air ducts need to be cleaned. You have filters that need to be changed frequently to remove pollutants that are circulating in the air you breathe. But over time, dirt builds up inside the ducts and needs to be removed. The before and after pictures say it all.

Where does all of this dirt come from? If dust collects on your furniture, it circulates through your ventilation system. The dust that your home vacuum collects is dust that has made its way through your ductwork. Pet dander, smoking, water damage, remodeling construction, dirty shoes and dirty clothes all contribute to dirty ducts.

If you change your filters regularly, you can ignore your ducts and the rest of your ventilation system for a few years, but dirt will accumulate inside your ducts and the air you breathe will become unhealthy. Eliminating the dust, dirt, mold and other pollutants from your ductwork will improve indoor air quality, keep your home cleaner, and make your entire HVAC system more efficient. Your home air quality will substantially improve with professional duct cleaning.

Semper Fi Heating & Cooling has the experience and equipment to clean your ductwork and improve the quality of the home air that you breathe. Duct cleaning is a job for trained professionals. An inadequate vacuum system can release more contaminants than if you had left the ducts alone. Don’t expect immediate changes in your personal health, but do expect your home to be cleaner. A proper duct cleaning job will significantly reduce the dirt and contaminants in your home air.

What you should expect from the duct cleaning process:

  • Before you start vacuuming, your system should be checked for asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos requires specialized procedures and should not be disturbed or removed except by specially trained and equipped contractors.
  • Only equipment that exhausts particles outside the home or through HEPA filters should be used.
  • The inside of ducts should be carefully brushed in conjunction with vacuuming.

There are steps you can take to reduce future buildup of dirt in your ductwork:

  • Use high-efficiency furnace filters and change them frequently. If filters get clogged, change them even more frequently.
  • When your unit is serviced, make sure that the cooling coils and drain pan are also cleaned.
  • Remove dirt and dust from your home regularly, and use high-efficiency filters in your vacuum.

Duct cleaning will improve your indoor air quality, but cleaning is not the only issue related to ducts. By most estimates, as much as 30% of the air that goes into your ducts leaks out before being delivered to wherever the ducts lead. While getting your ducts cleaned, consider taking the next step and get them professionally sealed. You can look for leaks and slap a piece of duct tape over the gap, but that is not professionally sealing your ducts. You won’t eliminate the majority of leaks unless you have the right equipment to find the leaks and the right materials to seal them up.

Call the professional technicians at Semper Fi to learn more about duct cleaning, and check the website for special pricing.

Good Air Flow for a Healthy and Clean Home

Adequate and clean air flow is critical for the proper operation of your heating and air conditioning system. Without good air flow, your equipment will wear out quicker and your utility bills will be higher. The health of your family is at risk and the overall comfort of your home is reduced.

Clean Your Air Filter Regularly

The first step in keeping home air clean is to replace your air filter frequently. The general guideline is to replace the filter at least every three months. You may find that even more frequent replacement is needed; no two homes are the same. If your home air smells musty, change the filter. If your furniture gets dusty quickly after cleaning, it is probably time to change the filter. If your furnace is running more often and longer than you think it should, it might be an indication that filters need to be changed.

Filters should be replaced with the change of seasons. Switching from heating to air conditioning or from air conditioning to heating is a good time to change filters. For central Arizona, Semper Fi recommends a non-pleated, fiberglass filter. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is the measurement system for a filter’s effectiveness in reducing airborne particles and contaminants. The higher the number from 1-20, the more effective the filter. However, the higher the number, the more the filter will restrict air flow. To determine the right MERV for your HVAC system, you should find the recommended maximum for your system and use a filter that is just below the maximum.

Fortify Your Air Filter With a REME HALO Systems

Air filters are important, but filters alone cannot remove mold, pollen spores, bacteria, mildew and odors. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling recommends installing the REME HALO, which uses reflective electromagnetic energy to produce hydrogen peroxide plasma that passes through your air handler and circulates through your whole house. Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally. It is part of the process of purifying the clean, outdoor air that we breathe. The hydrogen peroxide produced by REME HALO continues to eliminate pollutants on surfaces in your home, even when the blower on your HVAC system is not running.

A REME HALO system partners with your filtration system to capture the pollutants that are circulating in your home air. It also kills and eliminates the pollutants before they circulate. It works with your filtration system by causing particle pollutants to solidify and stick together, making them larger and easier for your filter to catch. That is another reason to change your filter often.

Mold, pollen spores, bacteria, odors, and other dangerous pollutants can also be removed with UV-C light installed in your duct system. Ultraviolet light in wavelengths between 200 and 300 nanometers are proven to destroy harmful microorganisms by altering their DNA and removing their ability to replicate.

REME HALO and UV-C lighting are both proven to be effective and can be installed quickly by the professionals at Semper Fi. They come with a five-year warranty. It is recommended that the hydrogen peroxide-producing cell be replaced every two years. Call the professional HVAC technicians at Semper Fi today to learn more about how clean air flow along with air purification can reduce the pollutants in the air that is circulating in your home. Purified air circulation will help keep your family healthy and safe.

Having Furnace Issues?

Furnace Repair and Maintenance

With proper furnace maintenance and occasional tune-ups, furnaces usually have a long and dependable life. And while things can go wrong, most can be fixed.

By the time a furnace needs to be replaced, high-efficiency improvements have been made in newer systems, and reduced utility costs will at least partially offset the cost of a new furnace. There are several signs that a furnace needs repair.

Pilot Light Issues

The pilot light should burn with a blue flame. If the flame is yellow or orange, there may be a carbon monoxide problem. Turn off your furnace and call a service technician. Carbon monoxide in your home can cause serious health issues, so don’t delay in getting the problem repaired. If the pilot light flame is burning blue but flickering, that could be a different problem. Most likely, the gas supply line is partially clogged and needs to be cleaned.

Heat Exchanger Problems

The heat exchanger is the part of a furnace that separates the air that a furnace circulates throughout a home from the hazardous gases in the air that have been heated in the combustion assembly. The air you breathe moves through tubes that pass through the combustion chamber. The harmful gases get exhausted from the chimney or vent, and the clean, heated air circulates around the home.

The most common problem with the heat exchanger is that after repeated expanding and contracting from heating and cooling, metal fatigue causes cracks or holes in the tubes. That allows the dangerous gases to mix with the warm air that circulates in the home. A service technician can check your furnace for a cracked heat exchanger.

Thermostat Problems

If the thermostat display is blank, check the batteries. If replacing batteries does not solve the problem, check the breaker box. If the breaker is not thrown, it may be time for a thermostat replacement. If the furnace is running continuously and not shutting off, try setting it to auto and then try it at different temperature settings. If it still runs continuously, the thermostat may need to be replaced.

Limit Switch

The limit switch senses the temperature of the furnace and turns the furnace off and on during the normal heating cycle. It is usually very dependable, but occasionally it fails and will prevent the furnace and blower to turn off or on. The limit switch also has a high temperature limit that will shut off the heating burners and leave the blower working so that the heat exchanger does not overheat. Replacing the limit switch is a relatively inexpensive operation.

Cacophony of Rackets

Different noises indicate different types of problems with your furnace, and most of them need attention. A squealing noise is likely to be caused by a fan belt problem. There is an electric motor in a furnace that uses a fan belt to turn a fan that blows warm air through ductwork and into your home. If the belt is worn and damaged, it may slip and make a squealing noise. Turn off your furnace and have the belt replaced. A scraping sound is probably the result of worn bearings somewhere in the power assembly. Turn off your furnace and get the problem fixed to avoid additional damage.

Do you hear bangs and clangs in your ductwork when your furnace starts up and the warm air starts blowing? That is the result of cold ductwork expanding from the heat, not an operational problem that will cause damage. You may want to make sure the ducts and joints are adequately attached and secured.

Little or No Warm Air

If the amount of warm air is reduced, check to see if the air filter is dirty or clogged. Change the filter often. If clean air cannot get in the cold air vents and through the filter, warm air will not come out. If the full heating flame is burning and no warm air is moving through the ducts, there is a circulation fan problem. The cause is most likely a worn-out or broken fan belt. The motor and fan itself have other moving parts that can fail.

Some furnace problems are more urgent than others. Some problems are dangerous to the health of homeowners, and others need attention to avoid additional harm. All furnace problems need attention to keep your home comfortable and safe.

Call the professional service technicians at Semper Fi if you have furnace problems!

Click here or call (480) 616-3636

Beyond the Filters – Home Air Purification Options

Conditional air filters do a great job with most particulate pollution. Unfortunately, in the extreme heat of Arizona, high-efficiency filters can starve an HVAC system of the airflow it needs to provide maximum indoor home comfort. For home comfort optimization during peak heat during Arizona summers, Semper Fi recommends a non-pleated, fiberglass filter. For customers with indoor air quality concerns, there are additional options for the homeowner in need of hospital-quality air purification without the use of high-efficiency, pleated filters that can restrict airflow.

Bipolar Ionization

Bipolar Ionization splits molecules in the air, including water vapor, into positively and negatively charged ions. The opposite charges attract each other to form a compound. The positive and negative ions surround air particles, and the added mass causes the air particles to be captured by an air filter and removed from the air. The positive and negative ions also surround and pull hydrogen away from pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. With the hydrogen pulled away from the protein coat, the virus cannot infect. With bacterium or mold, when the essential hydrogen is removed, the cell is ripped open and the pathogen dies, preventing infection.

Electrostatic Air Filters

Electrostatic Air Filters are most often used to remove dust, dander, mold, or pollen from an indoor space. Along with regular cleaning and adequate ventilation, an electric air cleaner installed into your HVAC system can help make your home more allergen-free. Electrostatic filters are magnets for dust. Like the positive and negative sides of a magnet that attract each other, the particles passing through a filter are given an electrical charge before they pass plates in the filter where they are attracted to the opposite charge. Under ideal conditions, the pollen and other allergens floating in your home air get stuck to the plates and are removed from the air circulating in your home.

However, everyday conditions are not ideal. The electrostatic filters need to be cleaned regularly. More importantly, continuous use of electrostatic filtration will raise the level of ozone in a home and cause other problems for anyone who suffers from allergies.

There is another solution. Allergy filters that come with an electrostatic charge will attract and hold dust, dander, mold, and pollen. These filters are flat rather than the more common pleated filters. They are also less expensive than high MERV-rated HEPA filters. The drawback is that eventually they will reach their load capacity and need to be changed. Unlike pleated filters, they can be washed and reused.

Ultraviolet Light Air Purification

Ultraviolet Light Air Purification is a viable alternative for scrubbing viruses and other pathogens from home air. UV light is the shortest wavelength light; you know it as the part of sunlight that causes sunburn. With home air purification, you are not directly exposed to the UV light; it is installed in your ventilation duct system, downstream of a high-quality air filter.

After a day at the beach, you will likely experience radiation burns resulting in redness of your skin. The redness is a direct result of damage to your skin from UV radiation. In moderate quantities, it is relatively harmless. Extreme exposure can cause skin cancer. Unlike our skin, bacteria are sensitive to even small amounts of UV exposure. They are harmless after effective exposure to germicidal ultraviolet light.

For a whole home installation, the UV lights will be installed inside ductwork and will not be directly exposed to you. The bulbs in UV lights generally need to be changed once a year but vary by manufacturer.

Semper Fi Heating & Cooling can help you choose from these and other home air purification systems to find the system that is right for your family.

Does My Air Conditioner Need Freon? What is Freon?

Let’s Start with Definitions

Just to be a stickler for language and definitions, let’s offer two definitions directly from Wikipedia:

      1. Freon is a registered trademark of The Chemours Company, which uses it for a number of halocarbon products. They are stable, nonflammable, low-toxicity gases or liquids which have generally been used as refrigerants and as aerosol propellants. These include the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that cause ozone depletion. Freon is a brand name for the refrigerants R-12, R-13B1, R-22, R401A, R502, and R-503


    1. manufactured by The Chemours Company.
    1. The term “freon” is also a generic descriptor of a fluorocarbon refrigerant.

To put it another way, Freon is a brand name and a registered trademark of a refrigerant widely used in air conditioning systems. CFCs are a component of that refrigerant that has been banned as a cause of ozone depletion. The word freon lives on as a generic word for any refrigerant used in air conditioners.

Specifically, the CFC R-22 is banned from manufacturing or importing into the United States. But there are many air conditioning systems still operating with Freon R-22. Freon R-22 has become in increasingly short supply and as a result the price has increased significantly. Typically Freon R-22 is 300-400% more expensive than the current standard Freon 410A. Newer systems have not been using Freon R-22 for a decade.

Should Older Systems that Use R-22 Be Replaced?

If your system uses R-22, then it is older and possibly nearing the end of efficient operational life. It may still have some useful years, and if it continues to perform well there is not an immediate rush to replace it. You should, however, get regular maintenance and keep your older system operating until it becomes time for a replacement.

In the normal course of operation, an air conditioning system can lose a small amount of Freon every year. During your semi-annual maintenance visit, it is not uncommon for your HVAC technician to recommend a “top-up” of the refrigerant levels on your system. The challenge occurs if there is a significant refrigerant leak in a Freon R-22 system. In this instance, even if the leak in the system can be repaired, it will most likely be cost-prohibitive to recharge (i.e. refill) the system with Freon R-22 and thus a system replacement is most commonly the best course of action at that time. Remember, in this instance it is not that Freon R-22 is not available, but that it is so expensive that investing several thousand dollars in additional Freon R-22 does not make financial sense for homeowners.

The service technicians at Semper Fi can help you understand your options with regard to freon availability. We are here to help you get as much life out of your older system as practically possible and offer competitive, cost-effective system replacement options as needed.

What Does Freon Do in Your Air Conditioning System?

Freon passes through your AC refrigerant lines. The air conditioner compressor compresses freon gas which makes it hot. It then travels through coils that cool and convert it from gas to a liquid state. Next, it travels to evaporators that convert it back to gas that can cool the air in your home.

After years of circulating, the amount of freon in your system will decline. Tiny pinhole leaks will allow freon to escape and make the pressure in the system decline. When people refer to an AC system needing to be recharged or refilled, they are referring to the levels of freon. If your system is running longer than it did in the past, or if it seems that your system is not keeping you as cool as you expect, it could be that the freon needs to be recharged.
Call Semper Fi to make an appointment for a technician to check your system’s freon levels and add whatever is needed to get your system back to working like new at full efficiency.

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