Emergency Heating & Air Conditioning Repair Service
Emergency Heating & Air Conditioning Repair in the Phoenix East Valley
When the weather is at extremes, heating and cooling systems are working their hardest. When they are working their hardest, that’s when they tend to break down. They’ve also been known to break down on the day guests are due to arrive, the day you are leaving for vacation, and any other day you have too much going on. The correlation between an HVAC breakdown and you not having time to deal with one more crisis has not been independently verified. That’s why it’s called an emergency.
If you have a heating or air conditioning emergency, the technicians at Semper Fi are available seven days per week. If it is an emergency to you, it is an emergency to us.
Clearly, some situations call for emergency service. If your safety is at risk, that is an emergency. If your air conditioner quits on a scorching hot day, that is an emergency. Other situations are not that clear-cut. When the temperature is mild, a broken air conditioner or nonfunctional furnace is more of an inconvenience than an emergency. But that same inconvenience can be an emergency if you have young children, older residents, or health-compromising conditions.
Why Do Heating & Air Conditioning Systems Break Down?
No one actually wants to call for emergency service. It is always better for systems to work as they should and be there when needed. There are steps that can be taken to prevent breakdowns.
Preventive maintenance is number one on the list of steps to take to prevent system breakdowns requiring emergency services. For the most part, we don’t think of HVAC systems as needing regular maintenance. Alternately, it is understood that vehicles need proper service to keep them running. We don’t drive our vehicles until they break down on the side of the road. But some homeowners who are careful to follow maintenance schedules for their cars and trucks will go for years without getting their HVAC system serviced. Proper HVAC service involves more than just changing the filter every few months. Contact Semper Fi to arrange for your HVAC system to get a tune-up. Better yet, sign up for a preventive maintenance plan to get regular service. On each tune-up or maintenance visit, your Semper Fi technician will evaluate your entire system and identify components your technician recommends be replaced preventively or that cold fail in the next 12 months. Semper Fi offers an additional 10% discount for preventive repairs performed on a maintenance visit.
Your HVAC service technician at Semper Fi is a trained and certified professional. Do-it-yourself HVAC maintenance is generally not a good idea. Specialized tools and skills are required. It is always better to call a pro for HVAC. Improper or incomplete service can actually harm your systems and cause breakdowns requiring emergency service at the most inopportune times.
If your heating and cooling system is more than 10 years old, it is more likely to break down than a newer and more efficient system. You may be paying for preventive maintenance and regular tune-ups but still need frequent repairs and emergency service. You may be at the point where you need to consider replacing your system with a new high-efficiency system and say goodbye to expensive repairs and hello to trouble-free operations. But don’t ignore preventive maintenance on a new system. Talk to the pros at Semper Fi for help in selecting the right HVAC system for you.
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