What Should You Expect to Be Included with an AC Tune-Up
Regular tune-ups are an important component to keeping your air conditioner running properly and efficiently. A system that is properly maintained will have fewer problems, it will be more efficient which will reduce your utility bill, it will have fewer breakdowns that require additional service, and it will last longer before needing to be replaced. Additionally, during an AC tune-up, your service technician will review the results of the overall condition of your HVAC system and make recommendations for preventative repairs to ensure your system does not break down during triple-digit outdoor temperatures. An untimely summer breakdown could leave your days or weeks without air conditioning during the brutal Phoenix Summer heat due to local HVAC companies being backlogged on their service schedule
Most HVAC companies offer AC tune-ups, but not all tune-ups cover the same checkpoints. At Semper Fi Heating and Cooling, we set out to become an industry leader in what we include in AC tune-ups.
Included in our list of services:
- Check refrigerant pressure. If refrigerant is low, the air conditioner will need to run longer to get your home to the desired temperature.
- Measure refrigerant level. If the refrigerant level is low, there may be a refrigerant leak that can lead to bigger problems.
- Lubricate all moving parts. Moving parts wear out; keeping them well lubed will increase the lifespan of your air conditioner.
- Lubricate motors. The outside unit contains a fan motor and compressor motor; inside in the air handler there is a motor in the air circulator.
- Check evaporator coils. Without the coils, no cooling occurs.
- Clean condenser coils.
- Confirm AC starting capabilities.
- Test safety controls.
- Examine thermostat controls and calibration. If your air conditioner is not cooling to the level you set the thermostat, the problem could be as simple as recalibrating the thermostat.
- Measure for proper air flow. The air flow from all registers in all rooms should be nearly uniform.
- Test the temperature difference of supply and return air. The difference between the temperatures of air going into the intake ducts and the air coming out of the registers is the amount of cooling being provided. If air is not cooled enough, the system will need to run longer to get to the desired temperature.
- Monitor cooling cycle. At what temperature does the air conditioner start and how long does it take to reach the desired temperature and turn off? If the running cycle is long and the time it is not running is short, there may be other problems.
- Clean and adjust blower components. The blower should be clean so it is not blowing dust through the ducts.
- Measure total power consumption. Power usage above rated levels is an indication that other problems may exist.
- Measure compressor amp draw. A compressor drawing more amperage than rated is an early indication of possible compressor motor problems.
- Measure condenser motor amps.
- Inspect contact points.
- Tighten electrical connections. Connections need to be tight.
- Clean relays.
- Inspect electrical disconnect box.
- Inspect equipment conditions and clearances.
- Install clean filters. It is important that filters are not so dirty that they are restricting air flow.
- Vacuum exterior drain line.
- Flush exterior drain line. Drain lines get clogged, causing the water that should be draining to seep out in the wrong places, and a little thing like a drain line not flowing can cause several big problems.
- Clean and vacuum drain pan.
- Rinse drain pan. A clean and rinsed drain pan helps prevent mold from growing and getting into circulating air.
- Measure humidity level.
- Install anti-algae tablets.
- Spray coils with disinfectant to help reduce the risk of viruses spreading into circulating air.
- Spray disinfectant into ductwork.
Beyond these tune-up checklist items, we also carefully look over your system for any other problems. Annual tune-ups will save you money by maximizing the performance and efficiency of your AC. Dirty coils and blower wheels reduce air flow and cause motors to work harder, which causes loss of efficiency and a shorter lifespan of your equipment.
Call Semper Fi Heating and Cooling for a tune-up to increase your AC life expectancy and prevent unexpected breakdowns requiring costly repairs.
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